Sami “GasInfinity” Gonzalez Boudrez <>
- Daily driving linux since 2015, discovered nix and its greatness in 2024
- Neovim enjoyer
- Anime enthusiast
- Gymbro since 2022
- 2024-Present - CS degree at the Polytechnic University of Valencia
Old projects (< 18 y.o. and maybe revisited for small changes):
Ink (MIT): A performance oriented minigame minecraft server implementation in C#.
- Includes Ink.Nbt, which I consider good enough for “general?” use, but needs docs and a better serialization API/structure.
- Status: Dropped, major parts of the protocol and server are implemented but I want to work on other projects and things like Valence look already very good.
- At least I learned some things about networking and code structure.
Rena: C# multimedia framework w/batteries included. Unreleased/local
- Includes numerous things like a math library, graphics api abstraction (OGL and D3D11 implemented), windowing api, etc…
- Status: On hold, considering dropping. Maybe use SDL3 as a backend for Linux. Pending revisit (someday)